Michael Schmitt

Rochester, MN | (320) 247-2773 | schm3256@umn.edu



M.S., Animal Sciences                                                                                                                                                                       May 2019

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL                                                                                                                                          GPA: 3.8/4.0

Master’s Thesis: Effects of improving prediction of future dairy cow performance on sire and calf selection decisions

B.S., Animal Sciences- Dairy Production                                                                                                                                      May 2015

University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN                                                                                                                                    GPA: 3.82/4.0

Minor: Applied Economics



PEAK Program Analyst                                                                                                                               July 2019-January 2022

Madison, WI, URUS LLP

  • Collaboratively worked across URUS companies to develop decision making tools to improve operational efficiency and performance in the areas of pricing, production planning and product optimization
  • Researched genetic and market indicators for sales performance at Alta and Genex to inform releasing new bulls and identifying critical decision time points in a bull’s lifetime
  • Dairy genetic market research for improved company understanding of competitor landscape by comparing actual genetics provided to US dairy farmers and program size by number and quality of bulls into AI
  • Developed genetic education materials for foundational training courses to be used across URUS companies


Graduate Research Assistant                                                                                                                                   August 2017-June 2019

University of Florida, Dr. Albert De Vries

Economics & Genetics

  • Economic investment theory was used to create a genetic selection index to account for the genetic superiority of replacement animals, resulting in increased net profit from genetic selection per year compared to NM$
    • Publication: Schmitt, M.R., P.M. VanRaden, and A. De Vries. Ranking sires using genetic selection indices based on financial investment methods versus lifetime net merit. 2019. J. Dairy Sci. 102:9060–9075.
  • The August 2021 NM$ revision made trait weight adjustments based on the economic investment theory research
  • Quantified the net profit from correctly retaining calves as replacement animals when genetic and phenotypic information is purchased early in the calf’s lifetime
  • Prepared information for regional extension dairy news publications on current industry topics and research
  • Teaching assistant for Biology and Management of Dairy Cattle and guest lectured on dairy genetics and selection
  • Coursework: Managerial Quantitative Analysis I & II, Agri-business Risk Management, Quantitative Genetics

Data Analytics

  • Assisted in validation of custom cow health index from automated dairy sensor information for predictive ability of correctly identifying health events in multiple large herds
  • Effectively used machine learning techniques and linear models in a cross-validated approach to successfully identify superior cattle for replacement animals from a variety of information sources
  • Coursework: Statistical Machine Learning, Computer Programming with R, Statistical Research Methods


Genetic Information Analyst                                                                                                                                   June 2015-August 2017

Accelerated Genetics, Baraboo, WI

  • Oversaw the sire progeny proving program to ensure adequate observations from cooperating herds with high quality records, thus improving the reliability of the sire’s genetic information
  • Published educational materials and presented training session to inform the salesforce on new genetic traits and interpretation of genetic concepts to apply in dairy genetic selection goals
  • Liaison between the company and allied industry partners to transfer genetic information in a timely manner for analysis, publication and decision making


Genetic and Reproduction Manager                                                                                                                                            2009-2015

Ralma Holsteins, Rice, MN

  • Organized reproductive schedules for donors and recipient animals on the farm
  • Mating selection for international embryo sales, AI male creation and selected live animals for sales
  • The farm produced 100+ bulls into AI and the Holstein International’s Global Cow of the Year in 2011- Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET



World Dairy Expo Educational Committee                                                                                                                              2019-Present

Church volunteer, religious sponsor, and youth educator                                                                                                                 2015-Present

Youth dairy cattle volunteer for judging contests, local shows, and quiz bowl competitions                              2015-Present

Dairy Challenge Assistant Coach, University of Florida                                                                                                          2017-2019

University of Minnesota FarmHouse Fraternity Chapter President                                                                                   2013-2014



University of Florida Animal Science Master’s Student of the Year                                                                                                2018

National Dairy Shrine Student Recognition Award recipient                                                                                                            2015

National Collegiate Dairy Challenge Participant                                                                                                                                     2015

University of Minnesota R.W. Touchberry Outstanding Junior in Animal Science                                                                    2014

Collegiate Dairy Judging: 1st team overall at the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, PA contest                               2014

Collegiate Dairy Judging 10th Place at the World Dairy Expo contest                                                                                            2014

National Junior Holstein Association Distinguished Junior Member Finalist                                                                              2013